Just like with substance use, for some people gambling becomes an addiction; individuals may crave gambling the way some crave alcohol or other substances. An earlier age of onset of gambling behavior is associated with greater risk of developing gambling problems and an increased severity of those problems. In CT, legalization of online betting has been accompanied by an increase in gambling advertisements, which is associated with a greater risk of development of problem gambling behaviors, especially in children, youth, and vulnerable adults.
Gambling is Linked to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
73% of people with gambling disorders also have alcohol use disorder (1)
96% of people with gambling disorders also have at least one psychiatric disorder (2)
Sources 1. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2014). Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers. Advisory, Volume 13, Issue 1. 2. Rash CJ, Weinstock J, Van Patten R. A review of gambling disorder and substance use disorders. Subst Abuse Rehabil. 2016 Mar 17;7:3-13. doi: 10.2147/SAR.S83460. PMID: 27051333; PMCID: PMC4803266.
Let's #MentionPrevention: Problem Gambling
Risk Factors for Development of Problem Gambling
All Ages:
Early big win
Easy access to gambling
Mistaken beliefs about odds of winning
Recent loss/change (eg, divorce, job loss, retirement, friend/family death)
Financial problems
Risk-taking/impulsive behavior
Depression and anxiety
Alcohol or drug misuse
Family history of problem gambling
Living near casino (Problem gambling rates double for those living within 50 miles)
Youth Specific:
Community norms promoting gambling
Availability and access to gambling
Parental involvement and attitudes favorable toward gambling
Favorable youth attitudes toward gambling
Promotion of gambling opportunities
Peer networks engage in gambling activities
Sensation seeking/poor impulse control
Fact Sheets
(from CT State Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services Problem Gambling Services)

CCPG is a non-profit agency dedicated to reducing gambling related harm and helping those who may be negatively impacted by gambling. CCPG does not advocate for or against gambling but is committed to working with all stakeholders to help individuals and families who are experiencing issues. CCPG provides Connecticut’s only 24/7 helpline- offering support, resources and referrals through phone, chat and text.
Geared especially towards young adults, this resource was developed in partnership with the Connecticut Council on Problem Gaming, the gambling industry, the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, and the CT Lottery. Visit to learn more about warning signs, action steps, and how to get help for problem gaming and gambling.
PGS provides a comprehensive network of consumer-oriented problem gambling recovery services for people of Connecticut and fosters an environment throughout the State that promotes informed choices around gambling behavior. PGS oversees state contracts for prevention, treatment, and integrated services.
CT Resources